Realtor for 23 Years. Georgia, called Miss Peach by her contemporaries, grew up in Arkansas, but never knew the charm of this area, & moved to Eureka in the early '70s. The only place to work was the Passion Play, so that's the first job I had, playing a "streetwalker" Then on to any cleaning job I could find, motel rooms, houses etc. When my cooking expertise became known, restaurant jobs became the norm, till I opened my own , with the help of my dear husband Calvin, " Peach's Cafe" 1980-1990. Then Ben E Keith called, + asked me to help open the NW AR area, so I did that for a few years. Mr. Tom Dees, the "grandfather" of Holiday Island, asked me & Calvin, to come & work with him, so we engaged in helping folks find homes or lots to build one, for several years. I then moved my license to Coldwell Banker KC, & have been here ever since, I have since been widowed, & live with a cadre of loving kitties, and a houseful of plants and books